PAIMI Council Meeting Minutes Via zoom November 21, 2023 Call to Order The meeting was called to order by Chair Christopher Land at 11:03 am. Attendance Present: Sue Franklin, Joelle Gurnoe-Adams, Veronica Ibrahim, Renee Kimball-Rouse, Christopher Land, James Rye, Lois Shulman, Trina Tocco, Mora Wilkevicz Absent: Christina Agle, Davin Hemmila, Fiona Hert, Charles Scott Staff: Michelle Roberts, Michele Brand, Theresa Diebolt, Kris Keranen Guests: Emily Henderson (McCall Hamilton), Amanda Bouwman, Teddy Dorsette III Approval of the Agenda The agenda was presented for approval. Chair Land asked for a motion to approve the agenda and took a vote. Joelle Gurnoe-Adams MOVED to approve the agenda and Sue Franklin seconded it. A vote was taken. AYES: all NAYS: none Motion carried. Approval of the minutes The minutes from August 22, 2023, were presented for approval. Chair Land asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Mora Wilkevicz MOVED to approve the minutes and Joelle Gurnoe-Adams seconded it. A vote was taken. AYES: all NAYS: none Motion carried. Grievance update Theresa Diebolt stated five grievance forms were requested and sent out since the last council meeting and no grievances have been filed. Four of the requests were for clients who are PAIMI eligible, and one was for a PAIR eligible individual. PAIMI financial update Michele Brand referred to the financial documents stating the Council is under budget with minimal expenses as usual. The overall PAIMI budget is looking good, and we were a little over on conferences due to two PAC members attending the CIT Conference. It was asked how we did on the fundraising event, and Michele shared that we made around $20,000 again this year. It was asked if we could have an in-person meeting and add it to next year’s budget. Public Comment There were no public comments. Legislative update Emily Henderson discussed the early adjournment of the legislature and their return on January 10, 2024. There was also mention of the two Democrats winning their mayoral elections making it a 54/54 split in the House which makes it a little more difficult to gain enough votes to pass bills. There was talk about Walter Reuther Psychiatric Hospital and access to services in psych facilities as well as the juvenile justice system in getting treatment and resources individuals need. Recently Representative Thompson issued a letter to Chairman Brayback of the behavioral health subcommittee in the House, asking her to hold hearings to discuss issues the system has and how the legislature can get involved. Additionally, Wayne County Juvenile Detention Center lost its license due to concerns with access to services, access to basic needs and care. They are now on a 6-month plan with the state to identify and resolve issues to regain their license. Senator Weber, out of Oakland County, has requested an audit be conducted on that facility to identify areas where the legislature can support changes to provide better services. Litigation update Michelle Roberts reported that settlement negotiations in the PAIMI lawsuits are in the final stages and are going very well. Kyle Williams will provide a comprehensive litigation update at the January meeting. Education update Kris Keranen shared the Perez case has finally settled and will give our client the opportunity to have a better life. Kris went on to talk about the types of calls they are getting regarding threats, perceived threats, expulsion, behavior issues, and suspensions. They have also received calls regarding students getting injured at school. Further discussion was held on things going on in schools. PAIMI Advisory Council Program Performance Report (ACR) Chair Land asked that members share some things they do and resources they have that can be shared, and a list be made for members to network and share with each other, and how they can assist in making an impact with DRM. Michelle Roberts discussed and explained some of the data in the ACR and what is required of the PAC to complete the report. Old Business 1. Council membership – we have all required seats filled and have 13 members until next month when one member is terming out. 2. Conferences/trainings/initiatives – members were reminded to let Theresa know when they attend any these. 3. Contact information – members can check the PAIMI portal to ensure their information is correct and let Theresa know of any changes. New Business 1. Council members being contacted by someone from the public who has provided public comments during PAC meetings. Michelle Roberts discussed this and ensured members we do not provide contact information of the members. She also reminded members that they are not obligated in any way to speak to anyone from the public on behalf of DRM or as a representative of DRM. 2. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) – Michelle Roberts informed members of changes made by the US Census Bureau on demographic questions we are required to ask our clients, particularly sexual orientation and gender identity. She indicated executive directors and staff in the P&As are very upset and offended with the language being used. However, if the federal government who funds us tells us we have to ask certain questions, then we have to ask those questions. People do have the option not to answer questions we are required to ask. 3. Conferences/trainings/initiatives – none discussed. 4. Topics/interests to be discussed at future meetings –Kyle Williams has reached out to MDHHS and they have two individuals who will present at our January meeting to provide an overview of the Children’s Bureau and allow members to ask questions. There was some discussion about having someone from the State Board of Education attend a meeting to talk about outreach to school boards. There was also talk about providing resources to parents who are looking to give up their parental rights and how we could possibly assist them to utilize resources available to them without giving up their rights. Adjourn The Chair adjourned the meeting at 1:32 pm. The next scheduled meeting is January 23, 2024. 2 2