BOARD OF DIRECTORS Meeting Minutes - Via Zoom December 15, 2020 1. Call to Order President McCulloch called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m. 2. Attendance Present: John McCulloch, Mark Stephenson, Mark Wiedelman, Jane Shank, Jill Busha, Brian Calley, Selena Schmidt, Davin Hemmila, Tom Landry, Melody Arabo, Malkia Newman Guests: Amanda Absher, Lois Shulman Absent: Hansen Clarke, Paul Palmer Staff: Michelle Roberts, Michele Brand, Mark McWilliams, Kyle Williams, Elham Jahshan, Kris Keranen, Theresa Diebolt, Sara Koroniotis 3. Approval of Agenda Tom Landry MOVED to approve the Agenda and Mark Wiedelman seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McCulloch, Landry, Calley, Shank, Hemmila, Arabo, Busha, Stephenson, Wiedelman NAYS: None Motion carried. 4. Approval of Minutes President McCulloch called for a motion to approve the June 16, 2020 and September 8, 2020 meeting minutes. Tom Landry so MOVED and Malkia Newman seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McCulloch, Landry, Calley, Shank, Hemmila, Arabo, Busha, Stephenson, Wiedelman, Newman NAYS: None Motion carried. 5. Audit Committee – Mark Stephenson/Michele Brand Michele Brand gave an update stating the audit is taking longer than usual and she is the process of reviewing the draft from the auditors. The audit committee will be meeting soon to review the documents and the full board will be invited to attend that meeting. 6. President's Report – President McCulloch President McCulloch announced the new committee assignments and called for a motion to receive and file the committee assignments. Mark Wiedelman so MOVED, and Mark Stephenson seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McCulloch, Landry, Calley, Shank, Hemmila, Arabo, Busha, Stephenson, Wiedelman, Newman NAYS: None Motion carried. President McCulloch called for a motion to ratify and approve the updated DRM Policies and Procedures and Bylaws. Malkia Newman so MOVED and Brian Calley seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McCulloch, Landry, Calley, Shank, Hemmila, Arabo, Busha, Stephenson, Wiedelman, Newman NAYS: None Motion carried. President McCulloch stated there are three documents that board members execute annually which are a Confidentially Agreement, Affirmation of Service, and a Conflict of Interest. He asked if all members had signed the forms and it was confirmed. 7. Executive Director and Staff Reports – Michelle Roberts/Directors Michelle Roberts referred to her written report and began with a few highlights. The annual Program Performance Report (PPR), which is due January 1st, is being worked on by staff and should be done before the deadline. Roberts shared that staff remain teleworking for the most part with approximately 10 people working in the office. Roberts shared with board members that a portal has been set up on our website and members will soon have access to it once the updated documents have been uploaded. Roberts also mentioned the upcoming board retreat and what members should expect during the event on January 23, 2021. Kyle Williams gave a litigation update expressing that it has been a great quarter as far as litigation outcomes. The NGRI lawsuit was settled. The access case was also settled as a result of our investigation into psychiatric hospital deaths. We also received a decision on a case through the 6th Circuit Court and won on all 6 counts in our complaint which will have a huge impact on our clients. Elham Jahshan gave an employment team update. The team is collaborating with other agencies and meet regularly with MRS as well as other groups related to employment issues and the Client Assistance Programs. Sara Koroniotis declared the Rep Payee team has worked on a total of 90 representative payee reviews this past quarter. She explained a little of how the review and interview process goes and some types of deficiencies they find. Mark McWilliams deferred his report to the Public Policy committee report. Michele Brand stated the information technology area has been very busy keeping up with teleworking. The accounting system is moving to a new platform and human resources has been busy with COVID-19 issues and the hiring of new staff. Finance has been busy with the audit as well as the usual financial matters. Kris Keranen informed the education team has spent a lot of time on the fact that special education laws have not changed but since the circumstances for the delivery of services has, so has their work. They have done a lot of research and helping families through the process and their rights. They have been working a long time on getting the state administrative complaint process for special education to be more functional and are finally seeing some results. 8. Public Comment There was one member from the public who spoke to the board. 9. PAIMI Advisory Council Report Malkia Newman presented the approved minutes of the August 3, 2020 and August 18, 2020 PAIMI Advisory Council meetings. President McCulloch called for a motion to receive and file minutes of the August 3, 2020 and August 18, 2020 PAIMI Advisory Council meetings. Tom Landry so MOVED, and Mark Wiedelman seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McCulloch, Landry, Calley, Shank, Hemmila, Arabo, Busha, Stephenson, Wiedelman, Newman, Schmidt NAYS: None Motion carried. 10. Committee Reports Budget & Finance Committee – Mark Stephenson Stephenson referred to the balance sheet for 9/30/20 and said we are about 2% under budget and there are no overages over 10% so we are looking good. Michele Brand added that we received a little over $7,000 in fundraising and we received unrestricted funds as well. Mark Stephenson MOVED to receive and file the report and Tom Landry seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McCulloch, Landry, Calley, Shank, Hemmila, Arabo, Busha, Stephenson, Wiedelman, Newman, Schmidt NAYS: None Motion carried. Public Policy Committee Mark McWilliams stated he is keeping track of bills to see if there are any of interest. He continues to follow discussions regarding the federal budget along with other activity at the federal and state levels. McWilliams stated DRM is still working on the $2.00 premium for direct care workers which has been extended a few times. We continue to work on equal access in schools during the pandemic to continue to provide behavior supports. DRM provided comments that changed the state Medicaid policy on providing CMH services during the pandemic while children are learning at home. He thanked the board and the PAIMI Advisory Council members for all their support on issues and policies which have made a difference. Mark Wiedelman MOVED to receive and file the public policy report and Selena Schmidt seconded. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: McCulloch, Landry, Calley, Shank, Hemmila, Arabo, Busha, Stephenson, Wiedelman, Newman, Schmidt NAYS: None Motion carried. 11. Old Business No old business to discuss. 12. New Business Proposed Meeting Dates for 2021 were presented to the board. Tuesday, February 23, 2021 Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Tuesday, September 7, 2021 (Annual meeting) Tuesday, December 14, 2021 President McCulloch explained the annual Ernie Reynolds essay contest and asked for volunteers for the committee to review essays and assist in choosing the top three winners. This year’s committee consists of Tom Landry, Mark Wiedelman, Jill Busha and Malkia Newman. The winners will be announced at the February 23, 2021 board meeting. 13. Executive Session The board went into executive session. The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 p.m.